Album 1: 'Louder Than Words'

Jeremy Shotts
Suzi James
'Louder Than Words' was conceived, written, performed, and produced by Suzi James & Jeremy Shotts, gratefully assisted by 'the Cast'...
We're Classic Rock and Prog Music fans (among other styles) going way back, who wanted to create something new from all the music we've listened to.
Out of discussions we had about the music we love, came the idea of creating a 'classic' progressive music album of our own. It would incorporate all the elements we enjoyed, and a suitable 'concept'. The life and works of William Blake is the inspiration, and the result was the album 'Louder Than Words'.
It's an affectionate homage to classic prog: new compositions, but aiming to convey a familiar and beloved sound and feel.
We like to think of our style as 'Progressive Music', not just 'Prog Rock', as it encompasses elements of rock, jazz, classical, folk - whatever fits with the desired feel or meaning of each piece. However you feel about the concept, it’s probably best to let the music speak for itself.
Over the years, we have played in many bands semi-professionally, and our skills include guitars, bass, keyboards, and anything else within reach.
The 'Louder Than Words' Cast...
Jeremy Shotts - all lyrics, vocals on ‘Louder Than Words’, bass on ‘City Of Art’, backing vocals.
Suzi James - guitars, bass, keyboards (other than those detailed below) - backing vocals .
Yael Shotts (Volition) - vocals on ‘Form And Substance’, ‘Rule Of Reason’, 'Orc And Luvah', and 'City Of Art'.
Sharon Petrover (Project RnL, Square To Check, and many others) - all drums.
Ray Livnat (Project RnL, 2for6, Anakdota) - vocals on ‘Ceaseless Strife’.
Ian Stuart Lynn (musician, composer, film maker - www.ianstuartlynn.uk) - vocals, pianos, soprano sax, strings on 'Innocence',
Matthew Rutherford (actor, singer, musician) — double-bass on ‘Innocence’.
Ben Azar (Scardust, Steroid Puppets, Yossi Sassi Band) - second guitar solo on ‘Rule Of Reason’.
Amanda Truelove (London Symphony Orchestra) - cello on ‘Innocence’.

Suzi James, Jeremy Shotts, Sharon Petrover

Yael Shotts

Ray Livnat

""an ensemble of rock/prog-rock from England, good friends that will release their debut soon. From the bits I’ve heard it’ll be a MUST for the genre lovers."
(interview with 'Lemur Creatives'

Ian Stuart Lynn (& Harley)

Matthew Rutherford

Amanda Truelove